Angina Plan & Angioplasty Plan




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The Angina Plan   The Angina Plan


Angina Plan training is carried out through distance learning. This introduces the Angina Plan and covers the following:

  • what its aims are
  • who it is aimed at
  • how to facilitate it.

The training pack is suitable for health professionals who have little knowledge of angina as it covers:

  • the management of angina
  • behaviour change for risk factor reduction
  • the effect of psychological variables on angina
  • how to promote effective coping strategies for angina.

The training material includes a manual, the complete Angina Plan patient pack (workbook and relaxation CD/download) and the online facilitator assessment.

The Angina Plan training manual includes activities and self-tests which help the health professional to gain the information needed to complete the online facilitator's assessment form and become an accredited facilitator.

To ask about applying for Facilitator training please contact:
Angina Plan Administration.

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